Where to stay. Where to shop. What to bring. What to wear. Where is Round Top, Texas? When people say they went to “Round Top, Texas’, they might not be referring to actual JUST Roundtop, Tx, as weird as that sounds.  This name includes numerous towns in the area of Round Top, TX- Warrenton,  La Grange, Carmine, Brenham, etc. Most people just […]

Save the paper plates for your backyard barbecue later, when (hopefully) we’ll be gathering again with friends. But right now, steal my spring table decor ideas and enjoy your decorative items and pretty dishes with family. Let them know how special they are! 1. Flowers Don’t you find that when you add fresh flowers, it […]

Spring is here, and Texas is at its mildest and most gorgeous. Thank you, Lady Bird Johnson, for your legacy of wildflower-filled highway shoulders! But I do need to put a bumper sticker on my car: “I brake for families pulled over for impromptu roadside bluebonnet photo sessions”!  For another beautiful–but less dangerous–spring tradition, why […]

**Friends, my home is filled with fabulous flea market finds, and somebody is noticing: my SECOND feature in Better Homes and Gardens’ Best of Flea Market Style is coming out April 12! Look for your copy and see how I’ve used vintage treasures throughout my own home!** While you’re waiting, here’s my insider’s guide to Round Top, […]

The newest issue of Better Homes and Gardens’ Best of Flea Market Style magazine will be out on April 12–and I’m so jazzed to tell you this “Junk Queen” is featured in its pages for a SECOND TIME!  I was scouted three years ago by BHG editors and our previous home was the subject of an amazing spread in […]