“I’ll be home for Christmas,” sings the crooner. “You can count on me…” Because Christmas at the Warren house is a Really Big Deal, you can count on me pulling out all the stops to create a magical setting for our family Christmas!   Come right on in and see for yourself the BEFORE and AFTER […]

Yes, Virginia, there are cheesy Christmas decorations. Santa toilet seat cover? You have to see to believe. Antler hat ring toss game? I’m not kidding. Christmas decor can run to tacky in a New York minute. Will you allow me to help you avoid the pitfalls of mass-produced Christmas schmaltz with a few tips? This […]

porch decorating ideas

If I took a vote, would you say that a lot of homes come up shy on appeal when it comes to porch or patio spaces? I see hands going up everywhere! My thoughts exactly.  So what we usually get is a couple brick or siding walls and a concrete pad, am I right? And […]

The Grinch I’m not.  I LOVE decorating for any holiday, but Christmas…well, it’s a special delight to haul out the boxes of Christmas decorations. Last time I showed you living room, kitchen, entry, and dining. Let’s keep going… Master before After: do you like to decorate EVERY ROOM for the holidays? I DO! But how easy […]

Ready to tour my 1926 Tudor Revival Cottage? Friends, call me crazy: in the middle of our busy life of parenting, pastoring, and running a design business, we’re building a house. We are excited but will miss this one!  100-year old house renovation I truly do love it and have had a blast these last few […]

Welcome to my home! I am so excited to give you a tour of my beautiful, family-oriented space. This cottage was built in 1926 and we loved the charm and history! We renovated the kitchen and restored and updated many of the rooms to improve the flow and livability. Behind the pastel colored drywall was […]

“I’ll be home for Christmas,” sings the crooner. “You can count on me…” Because Christmas at the Warren house is a Really. Big. Deal. you can count on me pulling out all the stops to create a magical setting for our family Christmas!   Come right on in and see for yourself the BEFORE and AFTER […]

It’s almost August, and the boys have been in the pool since Memorial Day.  I’ve been soaking wet, too, but that’s just from walking from my car into H.E.B. for more Cokes and chips. Ah, Texas summer. Are you ready for your back-to-school pool party? Because it’s time to wrap up the dog days of […]

Did you catch my appearance on Fox 4 Good Day about summer entertaining? See it here! If there’s anything better than ice cream in the summer, it’s… MORE ICE CREAM! I was planning a get-together for friends at my house. I thought, “Oh, how about a vintage vibe…?” Because I’m ALWAYS thinking, “HOW ABOUT A […]

I have a radical suggestion: let’s get a jump on New Year resolutions and promise ourselves, our friends and families fewer microwaved meals and carryout cartons. I’ll come right out and say it: let’s be downright counter-cultural and SET THE TABLE! For your holiday party, sure, but how about for your family, too? During the […]