
Sure, they’re knee-bangers, but what would we do without coffee tables? There they sit, humbly awaiting our drinks, our remotes, our bookmarked pages, our sock-clad feet. But just because they’re so useful doesn’t mean coffee tables can’t be a beautiful part of our decor as well. A good starting place for a winning coffee table top is […]

There’s something special about walking into a space that’s showcasing a stunning flower arrangement. It’s a surefire way to get your good vibes up and running in no time.  Flowers have an intuitive job to make you feel happy and relaxed. They add bright color and charm to any space. Plus, they smell good! For […]

While you’re at home, making little changes can be a big mood lifter. Here’s one: style or restyle your coffee table! Ah, the coffee table. Sure, it’s a knee-banger, but what would we do without it? There it sits, humbly awaiting our drinks, our remotes, our bookmarked pages, our sock-clad feet. What’s a mom to […]