Like a proud parent, I’m enjoying showing you my “baby”–our new rural home build, which we are LOVING. We designed our spaces for the way we live (two boys and a rambunctious dog!), but of course I didn’t compromise on the creativity. Our home is beautiful, but it works hard. Speaking of work, today I’m […]

Being at home more than usual right now, we’ve become intensely aware of those projects we’ve never gotten around to. Kids rooms, for instance.  Kid rooms  a low priority? My client, whose previous home I’d helped with, had sold that house and built a new one. She confessed, “In the other house, I just never […]

dallas designer accent wall wallpaper

Kids Room Design Tips Today, let’s think about a topic that comes up often in consultation with clients–KIDS ROOM DESIGN! It can be problematic: they want the latest cartoon series characters or superhero on every surface, and you don’t want to have to redo the room in six months when their current favorite changes.  But […]

I’ve been busy with soooo many things, including Ask a Designer Week on Facebook.  Your burning design questions ANSWERED! Did you see my Facebook post about accent walls?  If not, catch it here. (And yes, your accent wall could even be your CEILING! I promise.) I have a friend who moved into a 1970’s home […]

Did you see my recent spot on Fox 4 Good Day about decorating kids’ rooms? If not, catch it here! Got problems doing rooms for the pint-sized people in your household? It’s a challenge to decorate kids’ bedrooms because round and round we go: they want the latest cartoon series characters or superhero on every […]