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Kids Room Design Tips Today, let’s think about a topic that comes up often in consultation with clients–KIDS ROOM DESIGN! It can be problematic: they want the latest cartoon series characters or superhero on every surface, and you don’t want to have to redo the room in six months when their current favorite changes.  But […]

Did you see my recent spot on Fox 4 Good Day about decorating kids’ rooms? If not, catch it here! Got problems doing rooms for the pint-sized people in your household? It’s a challenge to decorate kids’ bedrooms because round and round we go: they want the latest cartoon series characters or superhero on every […]

Y’ALL! MY DESIGN WORK IS FEATURED IN 3 NATIONAL MAGAZINES SO FAR THIS YEAR! I’M THRILLED BEYOND WORDS! Here are the latest two.  Check out the April/May issue of Cottages and Bungalows!  I’m super grateful for the recognition my design work is bringing! If you’d like to talk with me about a design project you have […]

HAVE YOU SEEN IT?  I’M FEATURED IN THIS MONTH’S ISSUE OF Kids Rooms, a Better Homes and Gardens Special Publication!  It’s my second magazine feature already this year (and stay tuned–there are more to come)!  I’m incredibly grateful for the recognition my design work is bringing! If you’d like to talk with me about a children’s bedroom or […]