home office workspace design ideas creative

Does a phone conversation from your home workspace go anything like this: “Hello, ABCDelicious Confections–“(hissing: “Stop jumping off the coffee table THIS MINUTE!”) “–How can I help–” (snapping fingers: “I SAID, do NOT let the dog out!”) “–I’d be happy to–” (through clenched teeth: “Who spilled juice on my ORDER FORMS??”) “Hello? Hello?” With so […]

Like a proud parent, I’m enjoying showing you my “baby”–our new rural home build, which we are LOVING. We designed our spaces for the way we live (two boys and a rambunctious dog!), but of course I didn’t compromise on the creativity. Our home is beautiful, but it works hard. Speaking of work, today I’m […]

Do you think that The Dining Room is a concept that has outlived its usefulness? Is your dining room on life support? Maybe it’s become a catch-all room for old files, clothing headed to the thrift store, or unused athletic equipment? How could it be reclaimed for precious shared family moments–and give you a little […]