Dallas designer farmhouse bedroom

One of the most gratifying things I get to do as a decorator is witness the joy on the faces of those who see their newly-designed rooms for the first time. There was plenty of joy when I recently set up a reveal for a deserving woman nominated by her husband for a bedroom makeover […]

Spring cleaning time is here, and if anything makes you want a bathroom remodel it’s trying to get that old tile and vanity looking new. Well, ok, maybe you’d settle for just “better”. But if you’ve come to the realization that it may be time to, um,  throw in the towel on that aging bath […]

Every fashionista knows that a woman needs an LBD. I’m talking about a Little Black Decor! Yes, friends, black is today’s hot accent color. Black window trim, black furniture, black honed granite, black accent walls. We’re pairing black with white, black with wood–and black with white and wood. But black with—fall decorations?? Yes, ma’m! And […]