In a dream, I am organized, together, and unscattered.
My children are well behaved minions who fluff pillows at my loving directive.
Decorating my house for the holidays is a joy and we hold hands and sing a prayer of thanks before we eat our homemade feast, then they rub my feet as we nap and watch football.
Enter reality, where I am decorating the house by myself and reminding my kids for the millionth time to get off my phone, then I realized my youngest just shared the poop emoji to my Instagram account.
The football game is too loud in the background and were the commercials always this racy?
and all I want to do is take a nap instead.
Can anyone relate?
Sometimes the holidays feel like a sneak attack that are a burden instead of the fun and memory-makers they can be.
And I am the first offender?
That’s me.
Stressing over what should be special.
I love the holidays, and love having my house look festive, but it is a lot of work to get everything decorated! Working with Courtney really made a difference in how the house looked. The holidays are such a busy time that it’s nice to have a helping hand.
-Beth in Frisco
I happen to adore decorating for holidays and my passion gets fulfilled every year as I help homeowners up their Holiday Game with items they already have.
I realized quickly that not everyone needs to hire a decorator to come to their home, and there are some consistent building blocks that make holiday decor smoother and more impactful while using what you already own!
I want to share those with you this year in my long awaited Holiday Blueprint Bundle, made up of 2 separate products.
These ebooks are so chalk full of tips that I am devoting a dedicated space to each Holiday!
5 Days of Fall is an ebook that contains building blocks to assist you as we tackle the worst pinpoints and hassles of decorating for the holidays.
Some items we are covering include:
This is going to launch you into another level of Christmas tips, tricks and life hacks while I walk you step-by-step to working smarter not harder.
Join me for this exciting, limited time Ebook and make your holiday work time count!
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