It’s a grandma’s decorating 9-1-1! Paula  came to me feeling stuck. She wanted to make this gameroom into a playroom for her grandkids, but couldn’t seem to figure out how to do it since one child was a firetruck-loving boy and one was a princess-loving girl! It is difficult to combine both in one space, […]

My client’s daughter wanted to add some chic to her bland bedroom. She loves turquoise blue and birds. She also wanted a touch of whimsy.  In no time at all, this room went from from DRAB… …to FAB!         Highlights in this redo: -The birds she likes are subtly incorporated. Can you spot all the birds? […]

May the Fourth Be with You! When I think of a typical theme room, I immediately think of a room that will look dated in 6 months. A lot of designers stay away from designing around a theme because it is very easily dated and corny. However, there are so many ways to design with […]