I don’t ONLY do residential design. I love Airbnb’s, restaurants, shops and the like! So when I got a call to complete a neighborhood multi-purpose community center design, my first question was “where and when!?”. My second question is what functions does this space need to meet? The answer was threefold: It needed to be […]
I’ve been holding this in for a long time, and for the first time, I am sharing what EVERYONE is decorating with this fall that I think is overused. Can I provide some better alternatives?
Even though I am busy promoting the new book, the summer design work doesn’t take a break. And that is just how I like it! This beautiful home was a perfect example of nice…but a little blah. Check out some action tips that take your space from boring to unique. These tips will help you […]
Yay, it’s March, and you’re seeing green everywhere, from the green blush on trees and shrubs to the green “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” t-shirts. Where else is green prominent this spring? Why, in the GREEN DECORATING trend! And I don’t just mean save-the-planet-recycle-cut-energy green. Have you seen the green velvet sofas, green tropical wallpapers, green tile, […]
Does a phone conversation from your home workspace go anything like this: “Hello, ABCDelicious Confections–“(hissing: “Stop jumping off the coffee table THIS MINUTE!”) “–How can I help–” (snapping fingers: “I SAID, do NOT let the dog out!”) “–I’d be happy to–” (through clenched teeth: “Who spilled juice on my ORDER FORMS??”) “Hello? Hello?” With so […]
I love a gallery wall. I have several in my own home, and it’s a lot of fun to help clients create gallery walls in their homes. Ready to try your hand at creating a memorable grouping? I’m happy to help with my top 5 tips on how to plan a gallery wall. Gallery Wall […]
Last time I showed you pix from my Plano clients’ home and how my team and I did a major refresh number on the living room and sitting room. See it here. These lovely folks had asked me to help them re-imagine their dated, formal style and bring in a lighter, brighter vibe for their […]
Sure, we’ve all got tubs and tubs of Christmas decorations, even plenty of fall and Fourth of July cuteness to perk up our spaces. But how can we put a little LOVE in our homes during February’s last gasp of winter? Things I love in this room: the fresh flowers the high shelves for rotating […]
“I’ll be home for Christmas,” sings the crooner. “You can count on me…” Because Christmas at the Warren house is a Really Big Deal, you can count on me pulling out all the stops to create a magical setting for our family Christmas! Come right on in and see for yourself the BEFORE and AFTER […]
“Open concept” and “clear sight lines” are all the buzz. This can be good: in an open concept space, your family can cook, play and entertain together. This can be bad: some of the sights you’re open to–you may prefer not to see. My client’s great room had some good things going for it: natural […]