I love a gallery wall. I have several in my own home, and it’s a lot of fun to help clients create gallery walls in their homes.  Ready to try your hand at creating a memorable grouping?  I’m happy to help with my top 5 tips on how to plan a gallery wall. Gallery Wall […]

Last time I showed you pix from my Plano clients’ home and how my team and I did a major refresh number on the living room and sitting room. See it here. These lovely folks had asked me to help them re-imagine their dated, formal style and bring in a lighter, brighter vibe for their […]

You know, I love my home, but more than that I love the people IN my home.  One of my great joys is creating an atmosphere at home that celebrates those I love. You can, too! “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…”   Whether it’s word art on a shelf or […]

Sure, we’ve all got tubs and tubs of Christmas decorations, even plenty of fall and Fourth of July cuteness to perk up our spaces.  But how can we put a little LOVE in our homes during February’s last gasp of winter? Things I love in this room: the fresh flowers the high shelves for rotating […]

“I’ll be home for Christmas,” sings the crooner. “You can count on me…” Because Christmas at the Warren house is a Really Big Deal, you can count on me pulling out all the stops to create a magical setting for our family Christmas!   Come right on in and see for yourself the BEFORE and AFTER […]

Valentines Day is coming up y’all! And whether you’re hosting a get-together with friends, family or spending quality time with your special someone– I have Valentine’s Day Decorating ideas that will set the romantic mood just right. Some cheesy, others classic, and a few easy DIY projects that you’ll want to try this season! Let’s […]

“Open concept” and “clear sight lines” are all the buzz.  This can be good: in an open concept space, your family can cook, play and entertain together. This can be bad: some of the sights you’re open to–you may prefer not to see. My client’s great room had some good things going for it: natural […]

Take a close look at your seating, tables, and storage. Sometimes we hold onto a piece just because it was expensive or Aunt Nadine passed it down to us. But, what’s really working in the space—and what isn’t? If nobody enjoys sitting on that old couch, it’s time for it to go! Next, measure your […]

You’re hearing it everywhere: new year, new goals, new you–but hey, let’s not overwhelm. Take a breath and let’s ease into this with some achievable-right-now steps to create some calm at home for moving forward this year Here’s what I’m doing. Tip #1 – Get Christmas put away. You may have the garland off the […]

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