On April 23rd 2019, I mentioned on the Courtney Warren Home Facebook Feed that we’d be talking farmhouse style vanities on our blog! So here we are! Do you have a bathroom that just, well, doesn’t feel so put together? High on function, low on style? Maybe you want to put some nice touches in […]

The housing market is crazy! If you’re getting ready to sell your home, renovation decisions should be smart ones that will sell your home quickly and bring the best price. I’m here to help you! Smart Kitchen and Bath Upgrades Last time I gave you some tips for refreshing your home in general: fresh paint, […]

  Today’s volatile home market is creating anxiety not only for buyers (“Is this a good time to buy?”) but for potential sellers (“Is my home going to bring what I need to relocate?) I’m here for you sellers with some renovation ideas that will help you showcase your home’s best features and benefit from […]

It’s the wedding season! Hello out there, all you lovebirds! Soon all the newlyweds will be facing their first marital challenge: how to combine their belongings harmoniously into one pleasant living space. (Oh, what to do with his bobblehead collection! Her shoe fixation! Four coffee machines!)   Marriage, of course, requires these little–and not so little–accommodations. […]

Sprucing Up Your Curb Appeal.   Whether you are looking to add your home to a robust seller’s market or just want to spruce up your curb appeal for personal pleasure, these 5 ways are sure-fire ways to add flare to your home.   Add house numbers.    You’d be surprised how many houses either […]

May the Fourth Be with You! When I think of a typical theme room, I immediately think of a room that will look dated in 6 months. A lot of designers stay away from designing around a theme because it is very easily dated and corny. However, there are so many ways to design with […]

What is E-Design? I get questions about what E-design is and I am happy to answer. DIY packages for those folks that enjoy the process of design or have time to do the legwork but still want a professional cohesive look. This new offering is already creating happy clients- because kids are nothing if not […]

MY FAVORITE CLIENTS ARE HONEST ONES.  THEY SAY: “I WOULD LOVE TO WORK WITH YOU ONE DAY… BUT I JUST LIVE IN AN NORMAL HOUSE.”  WHAT THAT CAN MEAN IS… I  am not sure you work with houses like mine? Is Social Media Ruining Design? While I love social media, I think seeing so many amazing […]

Whether you’re single or married, celebrating Valentine’s or Galentine’s (it’s a thang!),  everyone can use a little more love in our lives! Why not incorporate some more love in the place you spend the most time- your home.  Here are some easy ways to find a little love in your heart for the place you […]

Does it look like Christmas exploded? It did…and in every Christmas laden room is our STORY. This is not just festive decor, friends. I incorporate my family’s story by honoring someone important with purposeful decor. Stay with me here… For instance, when my dad passed away, I mentioned to my mom that I wanted to […]